
Clélia Romano

Clélia Romano was born in São Paulo, Brazil.

She is a former clinical psychologist and for 20 years has dedicated her life to psychoanalysis, teaching and giving consultations.

However in 1983 she felt a strong appeal toward the esoteric field especially to Astrology and developed another way to look at the human mind, behavior and life in general.

As many others she began with the so called Modern astrology. Even being much more appealing than the cold and rigid psychoanalytical protocol she felt disappointed when the technique failed in many events.

Trying to go deeper she began to study the material developed in Robert Zoller´s course applying to the Certificate of Medieval Astrologer in 2003. After that, she continued the studies in medieval astrology and in 2006 she received the Diploma of Medieval Astrologer.

In 2010 she published a book in Portuguese named Foundations of Traditional Astrology and announced that it was the first book of a trilogy, followed by The Practice Od Traditional Astrology(2013) and Astrological Predictive Techniques(2015).

In 2011, she translated the work of Masha´allah, On Reception, from the Latin to Portuguese.

And in 2017 she published the book The Lots and Other Subjects

Currently she lives in São Paulo, giving speeches, workshops and consultations.
