International Society of Classical Astrologers
Classical Astrolger
Peter Clark´s great sie where you can see articles about all the traditional branches of astrology
Benjamin Dykes-Medieval Astrology
Site of the medieval astrologer Benjamin Dykes, whith many translations to buy.
Cielo e Terra
Cielo e Terra, an important site in Italian and English: texts, courses and much more.
The international website of Astrology. Get your free horoscope - and much more!
Skyscript AstrologyPages
The website of the astrologer Deborah Houlding is a big and complete source of traditional knowledge: articles written by many astrologers and a huge discussion forum.
The Project Hindsight
Site devoted to translations from ancient authors. They are currently focusing on the investigation and teaching of Hellenistc Astrology.
Medieval Astrology -Paulo Alexandre Silva,DMA
Portuguese site of astrologer Paulo Alexandre Silva. It contains help tools, links, recommended books and a section of articles, studies and texts of interest to Traditional Astrologers.
Astrology Student Blog
Website of the Portuguese astrologer Patricia Azenhas, with courses and many useful tools.
Classic Astre
A remarkable blog of the traditional astrologer Patricia Depasse who has just published the French version of Lilly's Christian Astrology. Patricia is responsible for the French translation of the present website